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Fight Slavery !

Unbelievable but true - The Harry Potter Alliance!

June 25 2014, 10:16am

Posted by Guillaume

The Harry Potter Alliance: Connecting Fan Interests and Civic Action

The Harry Potter Alliance: Connecting Fan Interests and Civic Action

The Harry Potter Alliance is a coalition of fandom leaders and members who feel passionate about the power of story to inspire and affect social change. Just as Harry and his friends fought the Dark Arts in JK Rowling’s fictional universe, we strive to destroy real-world horcruxes like inequality, illiteracy, and human rights violations.

The Harry Potter Alliance (HPA) is a 501c3 nonprofit that takes an outside-of-the-box approach to civic engagement by using parallels from the Harry Potter books to educate and mobilize young people across the world toward issues of literacy, equality, and human rights. Our mission is to empower our members to act like the heroes that they love by acting for a better world. By bringing together fans of blockbuster books, TV shows, movies, and YouTube celebrities we are harnessing the power of popular culture toward making our world a better place. Our goal is to make civic engagement exciting by channeling the entertainment-saturated facets of our culture toward mobilization for deep and lasting social change.

Several campaigns hacve been set up, especially Not in Harry's Name.

At the HPA, we are dedicated to making sure that products made using Harry Potter’s name are consistent with the moral character of the Harry Potter book series. Time and again, we see our heroes like Albus Dumbledore and Hermione Granger standing up against injustice and they continue to inspire us to do the same. That’s why we started this campaign after learning about the dark side of the chocolate industry.

Sadly, the cocoa plant is one of the most corrupt agricultural crops in the world because thousands of children in West Africa are forced to labor in the production of cocoa. We got even more bummed out by an independent report that give Harry Potter chocolate an “F” in human rights.

That’s why we’re committed to making sure that all chocolate used by Warner Bros. for Harry Potter merchandise doesn’t use child slavery, and is consistent with Warner Bros.’ own ethical sourcing guidelines. We’ve seen Warner Bros. ethical sourcing guidelines and you know what? They’re great. But here’s the problem. They won’t tell us the source of their cocoa.

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